Table of Contents
- CollectionInterface
- Collection interface
- FeedsInterface
- Feeds Collection interface
- PropertiesInterface
- Properties collection interface
- PropertyInterface
- Property interface
- ControlPanelApiInterface
- Control Panel Api interface
- BlueprintPrototypeInterface
- Db Column prototype interface
- MiddlewareInterface
- Middleware interface
- RouterInterface
- Router interface
- HttpClientAdapterInterface
- Http Client Interface
- AccessInterface
- Auth interface
- AuthInterface
- Auth interface
- RequirePermissionInterface
- Require Permission interface
- CacheInterface
- Cache interface
- ConfigPropertiesInterface
- Properties config interface
- ActionInterface
- Content type action interface
- ContentItemInterface
- Content item interface
- ContentManagerInterface
- Content manager interface
- ContentProviderInterface
- Content provider interface
- ContentTypeInterface
- Content type interface
- FieldInterface
- Field interface
- DriverInterface
- Driver interface
- DriverManagerInterface
- Driver Manager Interface
- DriverRegistryInterface
- Driver Registry Interface
- EmailCompilerInterface
- Compile email html code
- EventDispatcherInterface
- Event Dispatcher Interface
- EventInterface
- Event interface
- EventListenerInterface
- Event listener interface
- EventLogInterface
- Event log interface
- EventRegistryInterface
- Event Registry Interface
- EventSubscriberInterface
- Event subscriber interface
- SubscriberRegistryInterface
- Subscriber Registry Interface
- ExtensionInterface
- Extension interface
- HttpClientInterface
- Http Client Interface
- ImportModelInterface
- Cache interface
- JobInterface
- Job interface
- JobLogInterface
- Job log interface
- JobProgressInterface
- Job progress interface
- QueueStorageInterface
- Job recuring interface
- RecurringJobInterface
- Job recurring interface
- SaveJobConfigInterface
- Save job config interface
- ScheduledJobInterface
- Scheduled job interface
- LoggableInterface
- Loggable interface
- LoggerInterface
- Logger interface
- MailerInterface
- Mail interface
- ModuleInterface
- Module interface
- OptionsInterface
- Options interface
- OptionsStorageInterface
- Options interface
- PackageFactoryInterface
- Package factory interface
- PackageManagerFactoryInterface
- Package factory interface
- PackageManagerInterface
- Package manager interface
- QueueInterface
- Queue interface
- ReportFieldInterface
- Report field interface
- ReportInterface
- Report interface
- RoutesInterface
- Routes interface
- StorageInterface
- Storage interface
- SystemErrorInterface
- Extension interface
- ComponentDataInterface
- Extension interface
- ComponentInterface
- View component interface
- EmailViewInterface
- Extension interface
- HtmlComponentInterface
- Extension interface
- HtmlPageInterface
- Extension interface
- RequireAccessInterface
- Require access interface
- ViewInterface
- View interface
- WorkerInterface
- Queue worker interface
- WorkerManagerInterface
- Queue worker manager interface
- MailerDriverInterface
- Mailer driver interface
- MailInterface
- Mail interface
- PackageInterface
- Package interface, all packages type should impelement it.
- PackageRegistryInterface
- Package Registry Interface
- RepositoryInterface
- Repositorydriver interface
- ViewComponentsInterface
- Package view components interface
- PaginatorInterface
- Paginator interface
- RoutesStorageInterface
- Routes storage interface
- ServerInterface
- Server interface
- WebSocketAppInterface
- Webb socket server application interface
- ServiceInterface
- Service interface
- StorageDriverInterface
- Storage driver interface
- ErrorHandlerInterface
- Error handler interface
- FilterInterface
- Variable filter interface
- RuleInterface
- Validation rule interface
- AbstractDescriptor
- Object descriptior
- Arrays
- Array helpers
- Collection
- Collection base class
- FeedCollection
- Feed Collection class
- Properties
- Properties collection
- PropertiesFactory
- Properties factory class
- Property
- Property descriptior
- Table
- Table class
- TableFactory
- Table factory class
- Application
- Console application
- ConfigProperties
- Config properties console helper
- ConsoleCommand
- Base class for all commands
- ConsoleHelper
- Console helper class
- ShellCommand
- Console shell
- AbstractContentProvider
- Abstract content provider class
- ContentItem
- Content item
- ContentManager
- Content providers registry manager
- ContentSelector
- Content selector
- ContentTypeFactory
- Content type factory
- ContentTypeRegistry
- Content type registry manager
- Action
- Content type action abstract class
- ArrayContentType
- Array content type class
- ContentType
- Content type abstract class
- Field
- Content type field
- ApiController
- Base class for all Api controllers
- BaseApiController
- BaseApiController class
- Controller
- Base class for all Controllers
- ControlPanelApiController
- Base class for all Control Panel Api controllers
- ErrorController
- Page error controller
- FastApiController
- FastApiController class
- Arikaim
- Arikaim core class
- Extension
- Base class for all extensions.
- Module
- Module class.
- Modules
- Modules service locator
- AccessTokens
- Access tokens database model
- Drivers
- Drivers registry database model
- Events
- Events database model
- EventSubscribers
- EventSubscribers database model
- Extensions
- Extensions database model
- JobsRegistry
- Jobs registry database model
- Language
- Language database model
- Logs
- Db handler for monolog
- Modules
- Modules database model
- Options
- Options database model
- PermissionRelations
- Permissions database model
- Permissions
- Permissions database model
- Queue
- Queue database model
- Routes
- Routes database model
- AccessTokensSchema
- Access tokens database table schema definition.
- DriversSchema
- Drivers classes registry
- EventsSchema
- Events database table schema definition.
- EventSubscribersSchema
- EventSubscribers database table schema definition.
- ExtensionsSchema
- Extensions database table schema definition.
- JobsRegistrySchema
- Jobs registry database table schema definition.
- LanguageSchema
- Language database table schema definition.
- LogsSchema
- Logger classes registry
- ModulesSchema
- Modules database table schema definition.
- OptionsSchema
- Options database table schema definition.
- PermissionRelationsSchema
- Permission relations database table schema definition.
- PermissionsSchema
- Permissions database table schema definition.
- QueueSchema
- Queue database table schema definition.
- RoutesSchema
- Routes database table schema definition.
- UserGroupMembersSchema
- User groups details database table schema definition.
- UserGroupsSchema
- User groups database table schema definition.
- UsersSchema
- Users database table schema definition.
- UserGroupMembers
- User groups details database model
- UserGroups
- User groups database model
- Users
- Users database model
- AdminTwigExtension
- Template engine control panel functions, filters and tests (included only in admin poanel).
- AppContainer
- Create system services
- ArikaimStore
- Arikaim store
- AdminResetCommand
- Reset control panel user command
- ClearCommand
- Clear cache command
- DisableCommand
- Disable cache command
- DriverCommand
- Show cache driver command
- EnableCommand
- Enable cache command
- ClearEnvCommand
- Clear env vars command class
- ClearLogsCommand
- Clear Logs command
- ComposerCommand
- Composer command class
- DisableCommand
- Disable driver command
- EnableCommand
- Enable driver command
- ListCommand
- Drivers list command
- EventDetailsCommand
- Event details command
- DisableCommand
- Disable extension
- EnableCommand
- Enable extension command
- InfoCommand
- Extension info command
- InstallCommand
- Install extension command
- ListCommand
- Extensions list command
- UnInstallCommand
- Uninstall extension command
- HelpCommand
- Help command class
- DisableInstallCommand
- Disable install page command class
- EnableInstallCommand
- Enable install page command class
- InstallCommand
- Install command class
- InstallComposerCommand
- Composer update command class
- InstallExtensionsCommand
- Install extensions command class
- PrepareCommand
- Prepare install command class
- RepairInstallCommand
- Repair (reinstall) command class
- StorageInitCommand
- Storage init command class
- ListCommand
- Library list command
- InfoCommand
- Module info command
- ListCommand
- Modules list command
- CronCommand
- Process cron jobs
- JobDetailsCommand
- job details command
- JobsCommand
- Queue jobs list command
- RunJobCommand
- Run job command
- SaveEnvCommand
- Save env vars command class
- InfoCommand
- Session info
- RestartCommand
- Clear session varibales and start new session
- InstallCommand
- Install theme command
- ListCommand
- Templates list command
- Console
- Console app
- ControlPanel
- Page loader controller
- Install
- Arikaim install
- InstallPage
- Page loader controller
- PostInstallActions
- Post install actions
- SystemRoutes
- Routes
- SystemUpdate
- System update
- TwigExtension
- Template engine functions, filters and tests.
- Db
- Manage database connections
- Model
- Database Model Factory
- OptionType
- Option type class
- OrderBy
- Order by
- DateColumn
- DateColumn column prototype class
- DateCreated
- DateCreated column prototype class
- DateDeleted
- DateDeleted column prototype class
- DateExpired
- DateExpired column prototype class
- DateUpdated
- DateUpdated column prototype class
- DefaultColumn
- Default column prototype class
- DefaultMultiuser
- Default multiuser column prototype class
- Id
- Id column prototype class
- Language
- Language column prototype class
- MetaTags
- MetaTags column prototype class
- Options
- Options column prototype class
- ParentId
- Parent id relation column prototype class
- PolymorphicRelation
- PolymorphicRelation column prototype class
- Position
- Position column prototype class
- Price
- Price column prototype class
- Quantity
- Quantity column prototype class
- Relation
- Relation column prototype class
- Slug
- Slug column prototype class
- Status
- Status column prototype class
- Total
- Total column prototype class
- Type
- Type column prototype class
- UserId
- Id column prototype class
- Uuid
- Uuid column prototype class
- Document
- Document table prototype class
- DocumentItems
- Document items table prototype class
- DocumentPayments
- Document payments table prototype class
- Options
- Options table prototype class
- OptionsList
- Options list table prototype class
- OptionType
- Option type table prototype class
- Permissions
- Permissions (Many to Many) table prototype class
- PolymorphicRelations
- PolymorphicRelations (Many to Many) table prototype class
- PriceList
- Price list table prototype class
- Relations
- Relations table prototype class
- Translations
- Translations table prototype class
- Schema
- Database schema base class
- Search
- Database search session helper
- SearchCondition
- Search condition
- Seed
- Seed query
- TableBlueprint
- Extended Blueprint with column prototypes
- TableSchemaDescriptor
- Table schema properties descriptior
- Driver
- Driver base class
- DriverManager
- Driver manager
- Event
- Base event class
- EventDescriptor
- Base event descriptor class
- EventListener
- Base class for event listener.
- EventsManager
- Dispatch and manage events and event subscribers.
- EventSubscriber
- Base class for event subscribers.
- Application
- Application
- ErrorHandler
- Error handler
- HttpException
- Http exception class
- BodyParsingMiddleware
- Request body parsing
- ClientIpMiddleware
- Cient Ip middleware
- Middleware
- Middleware base class
- ResponseEmiter
- Error handler
- ArikaimRouter
- App router
- RouteGenerator
- Route generator class
- Router
- App router
- ApiResponse
- Api Respnse support JSON format only.
- Cookie
- Cookie
- GuzzleClientAdapter
- Http client
- HttpClient
- Http client
- HttpStatusCode
- Http status codes message
- Request
- Request helpers
- Session
- Session wrapper
- Url
- Url helper
- DbHandler
- Db handler for monolog
- JsonLogsFormatter
- Json formatter implementation
- Logger
- Logger
- LogsProcessor
- Log processor class
- Mail base class
- Mailer
- Send emails
- Options
- Options base class
- ComponentsLibraryPackage
- UI components library package class
- Composer
- Composer commands
- ComposerPackage
- Composer package base class
- ExtensionPackage
- Extension Package
- LibraryPackage
- UI Library Package class
- ModulePackage
- Module Package class
- Package
- Package base class
- PackageFactory
- Package managers factory class
- PackageManager
- Package managers base class
- PackageManagerFactory
- Package managers factory class
- PackageValidator
- Package validator class
- ArikaimRepository
- Arikaim repository driver class
- ComposerRepository
- Composer repository driver class
- GitHubRepository
- GitHub repository driver class
- Repository
- Repository driver base class
- ServicePackage
- Service package
- TemplatePackage
- Template package
- ArrayPaginator
- Paginate array
- DbPaginator
- Paginate Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder objects
- FeedsPaginator
- Paginate feed collection with unknow last page.
- JsonPaginator
- Paginate Josn
- Paginator
- Paginator base class
- SessionPaginator
- Paginator session helper
- Cron
- Cron jobs
- Job
- Base class for all jobs
- JobPropertiesDescriptor
- Job properties descriptior
- JobResult
- Job execution result
- RecurringJob
- Base class for all Recurring jobs
- ScheduledJob
- Base class for all scheduled jobs
- QueueManager
- Queue manager
- Route
- Routes storage
- RouteParser
- Parses route strings:
- Routes
- Routes storage
- RouteType
- Route types
- AbstractServer
- Abstract server
- ArikaimServerFactory
- Arikaim server factory
- ServerErrorHandler
- Server error handler
- ServerRouter
- Server router
- HttpServer
- Http swoole server
- RequestConverter
- ResponseConverter
- Convert psr response to swoole response
- ServicesServer
- Arikaim services swoole server
- UploadedFiles
- Parse uploaded files
- Uri
- Swoole uri parse
- WebSocketServer
- Arikaim web socket swoole server
- Service
- Service base class
- ServiceContainer
- Service container
- Storage
- Storage module class
- ClassLoader
- Class loader
- Config
- Config file loader and writer
- ApplicationError
- Application error handler
- Errors
- Errors
- PhpError
- Php error base class
- NodeJs
- NodeJs commands
- Preloader
- Opcache preloader
- Process
- System Process
- System
- Core system helper class
- ClientIp
- Client Ip
- Curl
- Curl wrapper
- DateTime
- DateTime
- Factory
- Factory class
- File
- File
- FileType
- File type
- FunctionArguments
- Function arguments helper
- Html
- Html builder
- Mobile
- Detect browser type (mobile or desktop)
- Number
- Number helper
- Path
- All path constants and helpers
- StaticFacade
- Facades abstract class
- Text
- text helpers
- TimeInterval
- Time intervals
- TimePeriod
- Time periods
- Utils
- Utility static functions
- Uuid
- Uuid class
- ZipFile
- Zip file helpers
- DataValidatorException
- Data validator exception class
- LowerCase
- LowerCase filter
- Sanitize
- Sanitize filter
- Slug
- Slog filter
- StripTags
- Remove html tags filter
- Text
- Text filter
- ToFloat
- Convert text to float filter
- Trim
- Trim filter
- TrimSpace
- TrimSpace filter
- UpperCase
- UpperCase filter
- Filter
- Base class for all filters
- FilterBuilder
- Filter factory class
- CheckList
- Check if value is in list
- Csrf
- Csrf token field rule
- DbRule
- Base class for all Db rules
- Email address validation rule
- Equal
- Equal validation rule.
- Exists
- Check if value exists in database table
- ExtensionPath
- Extension path rule. Check if extension path exists
- File
- Check if field value is valid file array
- FloatNumber
- Float number validation rule
- HtmlTags
- HtmlTags rule
- Integer
- Integer rule validation
- Ip
- Ip address validatiion rule.
- Number
- Number form rule validation
- Regexp
- Regexp validation rule
- TemplatePath
- Check if template file exist.
- Text
- Text field rule
- Unique
- Unique value rule, Check if value in model table not exists
- Url
- Url validation rule
- Uuid
- Uuid validation rule.Check if value is valid uuid.
- Rule
- Base class for all form validation rules
- RuleBuilder
- Rule builder
- Validator
- Data validation
- ConfigProperties
- Config properties
- Descriptor
- Properties descriptor
- ContentProvider
- Content provider trait
- AccessToken
- AccessToken trait
- ApiPaginator
- Api paginator trait
- ApiResponse
- ApiResponse trait
- BaseController
- Controller trait
- Errors
- Errors trait
- Multilanguage
- Multilanguage trait
- PageErrors
- PageErrors trait
- UserAccess
- UserAccess trait
- Captcha
- Captcha trait
- Crud
- CRUD trait
- Delete
- Delete trait
- EntityPermissions
- Entity permissions trait
- FileDownload
- File download and image view trait
- FileUpload
- File upload trait
- MetaTags
- MetaTags trait
- Options
- Orm options trait
- PolymorphicRelations
- Relations trait
- SoftDelete
- Soft Delete trait
- Status
- Set status trait
- TaskProgress
- Task progress trait
- UiComponent
- Ui Component Api controller
- UpdateModelField
- Update model field trait
- DateCreated
- Set current time for date created.
- DateSearch
- Date search query
- DateUpdated
- Set current time for date updated.
- DefaultTrait
- Default column trait
- Document
- Document table trait
- DocumentItems
- Document items table trait
- DocumentNumber
- Document number table trait
- DocumentPayments
- Document payments table trait
- DocumentPaymentsRelation
- Document payments relation table trait
- LinkedDocumentItems
- Linked document items table trait
- EmptyRow
- Empty row trait
- FileTypeTrait
- File type trait
- Find
- Find model
- IncrementValue
- Increment field value
- MetaTags
- Page meta tags trait
- Options
- Options table trait
- OptionsListDefinition
- Options list definition table trait
- OptionsRelation
- Options relation table trait
- OptionType
- Option type table trait
- OptionsAttribute
- Options attribute trait
- OrderBy
- Order by column trait
- PackageRegistry
- Package Registry
- Paginator
- Paginator trait
- EntityPermissions
- Entity permissions
- EntityPermissionsRelation
- Entity permissions relation
- Permissions
- Permissions
- PolymorphicRelations
- Polymorphic Relations (Many To Many) trait
- Position
- Update position field Change default position attribute in model protected $positionColumnName = 'attribute name';
- PriceList
- Price list table trait
- PriceRelation
- Price relation table trait
- Relations
- Relations (Many To Many) trait
- ReportData
- Report data trait
- Import
- Import model schema options
- Search
- Search trait
- Slug
- Create slug
- SoftDelete
- Soft delete trait
- Status
- Update Status field
- ToggleValue
- Update boolean database values (true or false)
- Translations
- Translations trait
- Tree
- Manage models with parent - child relations.
- UserRelation
- User Relation trait
- Uuid
- Update UUID field
- Driver
- Driver trait
- EventLog
- Event log
- Loggable
- Loggable trait
- LoggerTrait
- Logger trait
- Actions
- Package actions trait
- ComponentTranslations
- View component translations trait
- ConsoleCommands
- Console commands trait
- CssFiles
- Css files trait
- Drivers
- Get package drivers.
- Jobs
- Package jobs trait
- JsFiles
- Js files trait
- Middlewares
- Package middleware trait
- Themes
- Themes trait
- ViewComponents
- View components trait
- JobConfigUpdate
- Job config params update in queue
- JobLog
- Job log
- JobProgress
- Job progress
- Recurring
- Recurring job trait
- Scheduled
- Scheduled job trait
- ServiceTrait
- Service trait
- TaskErrors
- Task Errors trait
- PhpConfigFile
- Php Config file loader and writer
- APP_URL = DOMAIN . BASE_PATH . '/arikaim'
- APP_URL = Self::BASE_URL . $path
- BASE_PATH = $config['environment']['basePath'] ?? Self::resolveBasePath($_SERVER, DOMAIN)
- BASE_PATH = $basePath
- CORE_NAMESPACE = 'Arikaim\\Core'
- CURRENT_DATE_FORMAT = $config['settings']['dateFormat'] ?? null
- CURRENT_NUMBER_FORMAT = $config['settings']['numberFormat'] ?? null
- CURRENT_TIME_FORMAT = $config['settings']['timeFormat'] ?? null
- DOMAIN = Self::$scheme . '://' . ($config['environment']['host'] ?? Self::resolveHost($_SERVER))
- DOMAIN = $domain
- createEvent() : Event
- Create event obj
- addProfilerPin() : void
- Add profile pin
- getProfilerData() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get profiler data
= DOMAIN . BASE_PATH . '/arikaim'
= Self::BASE_URL . $path
= $config['environment']['basePath'] ?? Self::resolveBasePath($_SERVER, DOMAIN)
= $basePath
= 'Arikaim\\Core'
= $config['settings']['dateFormat'] ?? null
= $config['settings']['numberFormat'] ?? null
= $config['settings']['timeFormat'] ?? null
= Self::$scheme . '://' . ($config['environment']['host'] ?? Self::resolveHost($_SERVER))
= $domain
Create event obj
createEvent([array<string|int, mixed> $params = [] ]) : Event
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Event params
Return values
Add profile pin
addProfilerPin(string $label) : void
- $label : string
Get profiler data
getProfilerData() : array<string|int, mixed>